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National Hispanic and Latín Heritage Month 2024

In honor of National Hispanic & Latín Heritage Month 2024, learn more about Frida Kahlo, the brilliant Mexican artist who painted at Casa Azul in Who Was Her Own Work of Art?: Frida Kahlo, and explore other wonderful books that celebrate Hispanic and Latín heritage. Read More

September 19, 2024 Is Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Pirates may not have buried much treasure on deserted islands, cried “argh” when displeased, or forced their captives to walk the plank. (Argh!) But some pirate lore seems to be based on fact. Pirates actually had parrots for pets, wore eye patches, and flew the Jolly Roger. (Blimey!) To celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day 2024, read a pirate book or three. Discover interesting facts and popular pirate myths, and find out more about the seadogs, swashbucklers and scallywags who roamed the briny deep. Read More

Celebrate National Teddy Bear Day On September 9, 2024!

In 1902, the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt, was on a hunting trip in Mississippi, when he refused to shoot a bear. The owner of a candy store in Brooklyn, New York, named Morris Michtom, read about the incident, and he and his wife, Rose, created a stuffed bear in his honor – Teddy’s Bear. In honor of National Teddy Bear Day 2024, learn more about bears (and about President Teddy Roosevelt)! Read More

Back To School Around The World 2024

Children all over the world typically go back to school following their summer holidays. This means that school starts in August or September in the Northern Hemisphere, and January or February in the Southern Hemisphere. But even though many kids start school at the same time, what it means to go back to school may be very different. To celebrate Back to School Month 2024, here are some great books about different ways kids experience going back to school! Read More